Website Development Training

By Published On: December 14, 2010

These courses are given online. For online training you must have dsl connection and head phone, microphone. Name Of Course Contents Fees Hours Html Tags, Tables, Div’s, Tag attributes, formatting, images, styles, lists, forms, colors, fonts, introduction to frames. $40 8 hr Css id, class, styling, margin, padding, outline, border, float, align, display $40 8 hr Javacript Statement, Comments, Variables, Operators, Comparison, if/else, switch, popup, functions, for loop, [...]

These courses are given online. For online training you must have dsl connection and head phone, microphone.

Name Of Course Contents Fees Hours
Html Tags, Tables, Div’s, Tag attributes, formatting, images, styles, lists, forms, colors, fonts, introduction to frames. $40 8 hr
Css id, class, styling, margin, padding, outline, border, float, align, display $40 8 hr
Javacript Statement, Comments, Variables, Operators, Comparison, if/else, switch, popup, functions, for loop, while loop, break, events, array, date, validation. $40 8 hr
Php and Mysql Syntax, Variables, Strings, array, Operators, if/else, for loop, while loop, switch, arrays, functions, forms, $_GET, $_POST, date, include, file, file upload, cookies, session, email, exceptions, mysql introduction, connect, create, insert, select, where, order by, update, delete,Object Oriented Progamming $60 12hr
WordPress Customization Introduction to wordpress, installation, directory structure, blog creation, downloading themes, plugins, customizing themes, installing themes, plugins, widgets, uploading wordpress to your web host, transfer wordpress from one website to another. $40 8 hr
Joomla Customization Introduction to joomla, installation, directory structure, website creation through joomla, downloading templates, modules, customizing templates, installing templates, modules, uploading joomla to your web host, transfer Joomla from one website to another. $40 8 hr
Introduction to ajax and jquery Syntax of jquery, Syntax of ajax, functions, request, response, readystate, jquery selectors, events, effects, call backs, jquery html, jquery css. $40 8 hr
Photoshop Image editing, filters, bending options, slicing, web designing in photoshop, logo designing $40 8 hr
Introduction to Introduction to, syntax of, syntax of, loops, making sample website in $40 8 hr

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Written by : Junaid Rehman

I am a blogger and freelance web developer by profession. I love to blog and learn new things about programming and IT World.

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