What are advantages and disadvantages of siri in iphone

By Published On: March 27, 2012

Siri is the technology by which the user of iphone can send commands to iphone via voice and iphone can translate that voice command and act like-vice. The feature of voice commands in iphone was built in earler sets also but the full power was introduced in siri. As Apple said that the power of siri cannot be achieved in older models of iphone. So it is available [...]

Siri is the technology by which the user of iphone can send commands to iphone via voice and iphone can translate that voice command and act like-vice. The feature of voice commands in iphone was built in earler sets also but the full power was introduced in siri. As Apple said that the power of siri cannot be achieved in older models of iphone. So it is available in iphone 4s only. Google has already introduced the same power of siri in his android phones year ago but the impact of siri was more influenced.

Merits and demerits of siri in iphone
Merits and demerits of siri in iphone

So let me discuss the advantages of siri:-

  • You can find nearest restaurants by just driving and giving commands to your iphone through voice by siri technology.
  • You can read text messages.
  • View maps.
  • Make appointments.
  • Hold on call.
  • And much more.

And here are some disadvantages on siri:-

  • You have to connect to internet to use siri which was not in 3gs.
  • The maps was only translated in us English so you have to speak in us English else it not find maps.
  • Sometime voice commands are not interpreted by iphone as you speak and something other happens that you don’t want.

More people are thinking that siri has make unbelievable entry in iphone but you can decide yourself whether to buy an iphone 4s for this feature or not.

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Written by : Junaid Rehman

I am a blogger and freelance web developer by profession. I love to blog and learn new things about programming and IT World.

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