Importance Of Computers To Teachers And Students
The use of computer is now in all the fields of world. Computer plays an important role to both students and teachers. Today I will explain you the importance of computers to students and teachers. Research A teacher does some research before delivering lecture to the students. On internet there are forums and groups where the teacher can get good information about its topic. Also there are places [...]
The use of computer is now in all the fields of world. Computer plays an important role to both students and teachers. Today I will explain you the importance of computers to students and teachers.
A teacher does some research before delivering lecture to the students. On internet there are forums and groups where the teacher can get good information about its topic. Also there are places on internet on which other experienced teachers have given research papers. If you talk about students then students can also get help from internet about making a research papers or completing the assignments.
Online training
Most of students get online training from the experts to overcome gap in their studies and assignments. The online training is done if you have computer in your hand and you also have access to internet. You can also record online lecture and listen it latterly.
Education games
The research shows that the students which play education games have more success than the students which don’t play education games. Teachers sometimes ask the students in the class to play these games so that they get fun and also get knowledge.
Part time work
I have seen lot of students do part time work on internet like blogging and freelancing. These jobs can be done by sitting at home and whenever they wish to do. These jobs or part time work can financially support in their studies.
Now the usage of ebooks is increasing daily and it is expected that in future the revenue of ebooks will increase. Ebooks not takes any physical space and students can get these ebooks from internet easily. They can try as many ebooks as they like and get ideas from these ebooks and increase their knowledge.
Youtube is a video sharing website. There are many videos on youtube that are delivered by the teachers. Most the videos are recorded in the live class room. So students can view these videos of expert teachers and these videos can help in their studies.
Wikipedia is the website from which you can search every definition. This site helps lot of people in their studies. I also sometimes want to know the meaning of some word so Wikipedia is my first choice for this.
Class presentation
Now with the use of powerpoint you can make interactive presentations. The presentation can be made in less time if you are good at computer.
Tablets and smartphones
Tablets and smartphones are like mini computers. Some students prefer these devices to be used in the classroom and according to these students they get more knowledge about their studies while using these devices. There are many apps in these devices which can schedule the class timing and can set timetable.
I have seen many teachers who don’t know how to send email and how to use computer. It is very bad for the students who are taught by these types of teachers. As in this modern era of life computer is very important. So teachers have to learn about computers to make their students bright.
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Written by : Junaid Rehman
I am a blogger and freelance web developer by profession. I love to blog and learn new things about programming and IT World.
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