iPhone 5 personal hotspot

How can i use my iphone 5 as a hotspot

By Published On: June 30, 2013

Many people are nowadays willing to connect iphone internet to ipad, mac and other devices of apple. So today I am going to tell you how to use your iphone 5 as a hotspot. Follow the below steps:- Step 1:- Place the iphone 5 and other device you want to connect close to each other. Step 2:- Go to your iphone settings and set your airplane mode to [...]

Many people are nowadays willing to connect iphone internet to ipad, mac and other devices of apple. So today I am going to tell you how to use your iphone 5 as a hotspot. Follow the below steps:-

Step 1:-

Place the iphone 5 and other device you want to connect close to each other.

Step 2:-

Go to your iphone settings and set your airplane mode to off.

iPhone 5 personal hotspot

iPhone 5 personal hotspot

Step 3:-

Now set your wifi to not connected.

iPhone 5 personal hotspot on and off

iPhone 5 personal hotspot on and off

Step 4:-

Now turn Bluetooth off.

Step 5:-

You have to not change personal hotspot settings under Bluetooth setting.

Step 6:-

Open your general setting then open cellular then personal hotspot. If personal hotspot is turn on then turn it off and you have to wait for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds turn it on. If it is already turn off then turn it on.

Step 7:-

Wait for 5 seconds after step 6 and your iphone will show up in the wireless connection in your pc or ipad.

Step 8:-

If you want to connect your iphone again after a day or two then you have to just repeat step 6.

This is how I connect my iphone 5 into hotspot. Personal hotspot feature in iphone 5 is great tool that gives users a facility to connect their iphone 5 to pc. So you don’t have to buy separate connection for your pc.

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Written by : Junaid Rehman

I am a blogger and freelance web developer by profession. I love to blog and learn new things about programming and IT World.

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