Important blogging tips

How to get visitors to blog without search engine

By Published On: September 23, 2013

Most of the popular blogs get their traffic from search engine and google is the most popular search engine by which most of bloggers get their traffic. But if your blog is new then you may be not getting traffic from search engine like google, yahoo, msn. There may be other reasons also for which you not getting traffic i.e. you not update your blog regularly. So today [...]

Most of the popular blogs get their traffic from search engine and google is the most popular search engine by which most of bloggers get their traffic. But if your blog is new then you may be not getting traffic from search engine like google, yahoo, msn. There may be other reasons also for which you not getting traffic i.e. you not update your blog regularly.

Getting visitors to blog other than search engine

Getting visitors to blog other than search engine

So today I am going to discuss some of ways by which you can get large amount of traffic to your blog without depending upon search engines.

Get traffic from social media sites:-

So the most popular way is to share your blog links on facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, linkedin, pinterest and other sites. I have seen many people getting traffic from facebook pages and many of them are getting huge traffic from it. You can also share your blog links in your profile on these social media and bookmarking sites.


Youtube is the biggest video sharing site which helps bloggers to get intimate number of traffic from it. You can make a video on your blog and introduces different pages and benefits of your blog. Some bloggers are also doing video blogging that mean they make video on a blog post and publicize their site. You can also share your blog or website links in description of the video.

Doing guest posting on other blogs:-

One of the most common tasks to get backlinks and traffic from other well established blogs is to write guest posts. You can write free guest post and give link of your blog and doing this will improve your traffic and visitors come from other blogs to your site. And you blog ranking will also improve.

Commenting on other popular blogs:-

The rapid way of getting viewed by new visitors is by commenting on other blogs. While commenting you can mention your blog link and when someone click on your name in the comment they will be redirected to your blog.

Doing posting on forums:-

You can register in any popular forum website and define your signature in it. A signature is where you can put your blog link and it is displayed on every post you do on that forum. So this is good way to get visits on your blog.

Placing Ads on other blogs:-

You can also invest some bugs and can put your blog ads on other blogs. If you know any blogger who has big list of email subscribers then you can ask him to send email to all subscribers about your blog. You may have to pay some bugs to that blog owner. So you will get new visitors on your website.

Offering giveaways and organizing contests:-

All the people like to have free prizes, so you can offer your visitors a giveaway. If you do like this then the visitor will tell his other colleges to also take interest in it. Other way is to organize a contest about your blog and tell the attendees to share your blog link with their friends. And you can offer them a prize for doing this.

If you do all the tasks and not update your blog then this will not help you out because if the user come back to your site after few days and it not finds any new blog post then it will disappoint him and will never come back again.

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Written by : Junaid Rehman

I am a blogger and freelance web developer by profession. I love to blog and learn new things about programming and IT World.

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