Operating system not found - solved

Operating system missing – Solved

By Published On: December 1, 2017

Sometimes you get an error “Operating system missing” while working on your computer. Today I will show you how to solve this issue. I am using windows 10 but you can have any windows operating system and this solution works with all windows machines. Reasons for ‘Operating system missing’ error Your hard drive is not detected by BIOS Hard drive may be damaged BIOS settings problem Master Boot [...]

Sometimes you get an error “Operating system missing” while working on your computer. Today I will show you how to solve this issue.
I am using windows 10 but you can have any windows operating system and this solution works with all windows machines.

Reasons for ‘Operating system missing’ error

  1. Your hard drive is not detected by BIOS
  2. Hard drive may be damaged
  3. BIOS settings problem
  4. Master Boot Record drive is damaged
  5. Your windows DVD/CD is damaged
  6. Windows drive is corrupt
  7. Boot priorities in BIOS are wrong

Solution of “Operating system missing”

Below is the detailed video of solving this issue.

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Written by : Junaid Rehman

I am a blogger and freelance web developer by profession. I love to blog and learn new things about programming and IT World.

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