Pros and cons of Operating System OS

What are advantages and disadvantages of operating system

By Published On: March 11, 2021

An operating system is system software that makes communication between software and hardware. The first OS was created by General motors in 1956 and named GM-NAA I/O. There are various types of OS (Operating System) made for different purposes. Some OS are made for mobiles, tablets, PC’s, Supercomputers, smartwatches etc. Let us discuss some of the pros and cons of an operating system. Advantages of Operating System (OS): [...]

An operating system is system software that makes communication between software and hardware. The first OS was created by General motors in 1956 and named GM-NAA I/O.

There are various types of OS (Operating System) made for different purposes. Some OS are made for mobiles, tablets, PC’s, Supercomputers, smartwatches etc.

Let us discuss some of the pros and cons of an operating system.

Pros and Cons of Operating System (OS)

Advantages of Operating System (OS):

Using the internet:

We can use the internet by OS. There are plenty of websites which we use on daily basis e.g. Facebook, Google, Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, Amazon, etc. Also, we can send and receive emails which may not be possible without OS. The popular email providers are Gmail, MSN, Yahoo and others.

Play Games:

We can play games on smartphones, tablets, PCs. Popular games are:-

  • Minecraft
  • Fortnite
  • Roblox
  • Call of duty
  • Hades
  • Spider-Man


As you know that MS-DOS is a single-user OS. Now the new OS is multi-user. That means multiple users can log in to the system at a time and they can perform their work separately and also store their data privately on the system.

Multitasking and multiprogramming:

OS can run multiple programs at a time. For you can use chrome, play music, use MS Word at the same time. You can do multiple tasks at the same time.


Your OS can give a specific time also known as a quantum to each process. Suppose there are multiple programs in the main memory. Now the processor gives quantum of time to each program. The switch between different programs is so fast that you will feel that processor is running all programs at the same time.

Nice GUI:

OS gives us a nice graphical user interface (GUI). Even a new computer user can use the computer with little guidance. Every mobile has also an operating system that gives its user a nice GUI by which they can interact with the mobile and do various kinds of tasks.

Batch processing:

In batch processing, a bulk of tasks are completed one after another. For example, making payroll, and bank statements. Batch processing is a unique feature of the old OS.

Plugin and play:

Windows, Linux, Mac OS has features that can automatically detect new devices attached to the system. This feature is known as plug and play which means you can plug the device and it is automatically detected by the OS. You don’t need to install any driver. For example, we connect a mouse, keyboard, USB drive, USB network device, mobile device and these devices run without installing any driver.


New OS supports multi-processors. That means you can run multiple processes at a time and your programs will run smoothly without affecting performance.


New Windows OS use a defender which will automatically detect any malicious file in your system and remove it. It also protects your system from any virus.


If you use the internet then the firewall prevents your system from third party malicious websites. The firewall also alerts you before you install any untrusted software.


Most OS automatically update to the new version and you just have to agree to install the new version. The new version of OS always comes with fixing some old problems and also comes with new improved features.

Hide complexity:

The job of OS is to hide the complexity of the software and hardware. The user can use different application software and all the background headache is handled by the OS.

Data sharing:

By using OS, users can share their data with different devices. Suppose you make a project on one computer and want to share it with your remote team then it can be easily done. You can either use GitHub or any other code-sharing site.

Cloud sharing:

There are many cloud sharing apps like Dropbox, Google Drive, MSN drive in which you can store/restore your data. If your PC/mobile is out of order or fell from your hand and broken then also your data is saved in cloud sharing apps.

Memory management:

OS can use paging, memory segmentation, and fragmentation for better speed optimization of your computer.

Support from developers:

All OS have their support forums, Facebook groups and chat support by which you can fix problems of your OS.

Disadvantages of Operating System (OS):

A lot of RAM needed:

The newest OS needs a lot of RAM for performing well. If you have a low capacity of RAM then your system will perform very slowly and most of the software will not run.

High Price:

Good OS like Windows OS has a high price range for their OS. Windows is a well-developed OS with a nice GUI but it is quite expensive for unemployed people. Some OS like Linux is free to use but it lacks some features like Photoshop, Illustrator and has not a vast range of games supported.

Large size:

New OS consumes a large space of your hard drive. Some mobile OS has also a large installation size which is a problem if you have low price mobile.

Page table length register (PTLR):

Sometimes the page length in memory exceeds its size and have to adjust to virtual memory size.


It is difficult to troubleshoot the OS for a normal user. The user has to reinstall the OS in most cases.

Source code:

Most popular OS like Windows, Mac doesn’t share their source code with the users. So users cannot change the features of those OS.

GUI problem:

Some OS like UNIX and Linux has difficult GUI and it is difficult for a beginner to use their software. Most tasks are done by the command-line interface and their commands are complex to use and remember.

Hardware problem:

Sometimes you purchase new hardware and it does not work with OS. So you have to first check before buying the hardware for its compatibility issue.

Examples of Operating System (OS):

Some examples of OS are:-

  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
  • MAC OS
  • Android
  • UNIX
  • IOS
  • Chrome OS
  • Ubuntu

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Written by : Junaid Rehman

I am a blogger and freelance web developer by profession. I love to blog and learn new things about programming and IT World.

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