Earn money by making videos

1 min


You can earn money by making videos in many ways. The platform i suggest for publishing videos is youtube. Youtube is best video sharing website that i have seen. There are many other sites also but they are relatively slow then youtube. Youtube has large volume of videos but the their website runs fast when loaded.


Now lets discuss how you can make money from videos. If you are individual who works in computer field then you can make some videos on tutorial of some computer technology. For example you can make video video on “how to make website using html” and then divide this video into some parts. Now upload these videos to youtube. Before uploading make some tweaks with video and add your advertisement in this video at beginning or end of the video so that users know about you.
Whenever anyone sees your video and if he likes your video he surely contact you and ask about your work and may also hire you or get training from you.
Second method to earn money from video is that you can add advertisement in your videos. To add advertisement, your video must be very popular on youtube. Suppose your video has been watched 10,000 times so you can add google ads to it. If some one clicks on your video ads(google ads visible at the bottom of video)  then you will be paid for every click and the money will be transfered to your google adsense account. For more information about integration between google adsense and youtube do visit google.com. This method is not difficult.
Third method of making videos is that you can make your cd’s or dvd’s of your training videos or anything else and can sell on your website. Believe me that it makes you lot of money.

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Junaid Rehman

I am a blogger and freelance web developer by profession. I love to blog and learn new things about programming and IT World.