What are types of computer buses

Definition of computer bus A computer bus is a type of small wire embedded on a motherboard. It behaves as a communication media between CPU, memory and other devices of the computer. Computer bus transfers bits internally and externally. By internal transfer, I mean between processor and cache and between CPU and memory. And by external transfer mean the bus transfers bits from memory to external devices like [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:55:33+00:00November 13, 2021|computers|0 Comments

What are advantages and disadvantages of spreadsheets

In old days we use paper to draw a table of rows and columns and type data in it. If we do mistakes in typing then it is difficult to fix it. Also, there is a limit to how much data we can insert on a single paper. To solve this issue we start using digital spreadsheets which have many benefits over traditional spreadsheets. There is a lot [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:55:33+00:00November 11, 2021|computers|0 Comments

Difference between interactive and non interactive system

What is an interactive system The interaction between a computer and a user is known as a computer interactive system. In smartphones, tablets we also see interaction with different games, and apps. There are some types of interactive systems which are graphical user systems, command-line systems, and menu-driven systems. Nowadays touch screen LEDs are also available by which users interact with a computer system. In restaurants, buses, aeroplanes [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:55:33+00:00November 10, 2021|computers|0 Comments

What is wearable computer with example

Definition of wearable computer “A wearable computer is a portable computer that is worn on the body and is mostly used for health purposes”. They can also be used as hands-free e.g. they can get signals from muscles, voice, brain, head position, lips, eye position and these gestures are to control other devices and computers. The idea of wearable computers started in the 1500s and this era, a [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:55:34+00:00November 5, 2021|computers|0 Comments

What are advantages and disadvantages of desktop computer

Definition of computer A computer is an electronic device that processes, calculates, and operates on the instructions given by software and hardware. A user gives input to the computer from the keyboard or mouse and the CPU of the computer processes the input and shows output on the screen or monitor. The computer has two main parts:- HardwareSoftware Software is a program or a set of code that [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:55:34+00:00October 31, 2021|computers|0 Comments

What is controller area network (CAN) with example

Definition of controller area network (CAN) CAN or controller area network is a type of communication network between microcontroller and devices in a vehicle. It is also known as CAN bus because a common bus is attached with all the devices of the vehicle. CAN uses serial processing that means communication between microcontroller and devices is done sequentially. If the signal is sent at the same time to [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:55:35+00:00October 30, 2021|computers|0 Comments

What is point to point topology with example

Definition of point to point topology "A point to point topology is a way of connecting two nodes (computer, laptop, mobile device, router, hub or switch) through a common medium. The medium can be wired cable or wireless satellite." Diagram of point to point topology In this topology, two nodes are usually placed near each other. The node can also be a router or hub. In the case [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:55:35+00:00October 28, 2021|computers|0 Comments

What is OSI model and layers of OSI model

OSI stands for Open System Interconnection. OSI model is a set of rules that makes communication between two systems. The data is transferred from one computer system to another by this set of rules that the OSI model defines. OSI model was developed by ISO (International Standard organization). The OSI model is divided into seven layers. The seven-layer concept was made by the work of Charles Bachman at [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:55:36+00:00October 24, 2021|computers|0 Comments

What is modem and its types

Definition of modem “A modem is a network device that converts digital signal from computer to analogue signal and converts analogue signals to digital signals” A modem is a short form of modulator and demodulator. Data transfer in analogue form in the telephone cables. There are different cables like coaxial cable and twisted pair cables. In these cables data travels in analogue form. And our computer understands digital [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:55:37+00:00June 23, 2021|computers|0 Comments

Types of network devices

What is a network device “A network device is a hardware device that is used to connect computers, laptop, smartphones, printers, scanners with one another.” These network devices work on different OSI layers. For example repeater and hub work on the physical layer and switch works on the data link layer. Diagram of network devices Some network devices are:- RouterHubSwitchAccess Point (AP)ModemBridgeGatewayBrouterRJ45 connectorNICLoad balancerRepeaterFirewallRouting tableNetwork-attached storage (NAS)Ethernet cardWi-Fi [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:55:38+00:00June 23, 2021|computers|0 Comments
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