Articles about mobiles

Advantages and disadvantages of android operating system

Android is the mobile operating system developed by Google. These days android is a very popular OS in the market. Over 2 million apps are available in google play store to download and install on the android device. Android OS is used by about 2 billion people all over the world and this is most used OS nowadays. There is a large range of devices which use android [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:56:09+00:00September 16, 2019|Mobiles|0 Comments

List of android versions with names

What is android: Android is a mobile operating system first time developed by android incorporation in 2005. In 2007, android was acquired by Google. When Google bought android, it was not so popular and it was going in loss. Google released many versions of android operating system. The android operating system is made in Java. There are millions of apps that are developed for android devices. As you [...]

By |2024-03-27T12:56:09+00:00September 15, 2019|Mobiles|1 Comment

Difference between Samsung Galaxy s4 and s5

Samsung galaxy series get valid feedback from the buyers and it tends to sale out widely with every release of its new versions. Galaxy s3 get more sales than any other phone. But galaxy s4 and s5 have tremendous features and some of features are little different and there are some similarities between both the smartphones that we will also discuss. So let me differentiate between both these [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:31+00:00July 31, 2014|Mobiles|0 Comments

Microsoft announces Cortana as competitor to Apple

Microsoft is coming to mobile world after success of Apple and Samsung mobiles. The invention of some of latest technology insist mobiles to sell with more numbers. Microsoft release 8.1 version for windows phone so now all new smartphones comes with this latest release. Nokia is also embedded with same operating system in new mobile sets. Cortana also comes with windows 8.1 version of OS. Some of the [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:32+00:00July 30, 2014|Mobiles|0 Comments

Samsung TIZEN OS to operate of first Samsung mobile set

Samsung is working in TIZEN OS in collaboration with INTEL for year now. The TIZEN operating system is used in some other products of Samsung also like watches, laptops (in coming days), and some more devices. Samsung ‘Z’ first introduces TIZEN OS in it. Samsung Z vs TIZEN This smartphone has many features in it, some of it are:- TIZEN 2.2.1 version of operating system 4.8 [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:36+00:00June 5, 2014|Mobiles|0 Comments

128 GB micro SD card available for mobile and tablet

You are wondering about how 128 GB memory is achieved for micro SD card? The science has made a remarkable invention. The first micro SD card was 128 MB of space. The reward of making such a card goes to SanDisk Company which is already making lot of efforts during the past. SanDisk has also won global innovator award in 2013 where it compete with top 100 companies [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:40+00:00February 24, 2014|Mobiles|0 Comments

Is tablet better than smartphone and regular mobile

Everyone these days are looking for big screen devices. So companies are making devices with more display size due to user interest. Old mobiles are now used by only people who feel comfortable in using it and have difficulty in understanding how to operate smartphone. The basic idea of allowing big screen was that there are some apps now available that consume more space and is more interactive [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:56+00:00September 23, 2013|Mobiles|0 Comments

How to find my lost android phone

Android is most popular mobile operating system which is widely installed on millions of android devices. The popular mobile companies like Samsung, htc, Motorola and others trust on android. RIM in blackberry and IOS in iphone is not as popular as android. With the increase in android popularity the android apps are developed more in size then else before. So today I will tell you name of some [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:01:00+00:00July 3, 2013|Mobiles|0 Comments

Difference between samsung galaxy s3 mini and samsung galaxy s4 mini

With the enormous success of s3 mini, Samsung now also introduced s4 mini after the launch of s4. Samsung galaxy s4 has come up with tremendous features in it especially new improved gestures. Comparison between s3 mini and s4 mini Today I am going to compare both these mini phones i.e. Samsung galaxy s3 mini and Samsung galaxy s4 mini. Screen dimension:- S3 mini has width [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:01:06+00:00June 3, 2013|Mobiles|0 Comments

Comparison between samsung galaxy s3 and s4

Samsung has made a remarkable new phone named Samsung galaxy s4 which has most of its features related to older version i.e. Samsung galaxy s3. If you compare the shape of both these phones you will find only slight differences between both the sets. Galaxy s4 is slightly lighter and Samsung has increased the display size of s4 also. The pixel density of this phone is also increased. [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:01:07+00:00May 28, 2013|Mobiles|0 Comments
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