Why php very popular?

Php is one of the widely used internet language these days. The popularity of php is increasing day by day. Every second website u see on internet is made with php. Php has many advantage over other internet languages. Some of the reason of php popularity are:- Easy to learn: Php is easy to learn and a new comer gets his hand wet and become expert in 1 [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:04:38+00:00September 13, 2010|Programming|0 Comments

Run xampp, teamviewer, skype at same time

There is huge problem faced when we run xampp with teamviewer or skype. The easiest way to run xampp, teamviewer and skype is that you can quit skype first. To quit skpe right click on skype icon on tasbar and click on quit skype as shown in figure below. Then close your teamviewer also if it is running. Now run your xampp and start phpmyadmin and [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:04:39+00:00September 12, 2010|Programming|0 Comments
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