You will find php video tutorials in urdu in this category.

Create contact form in html and php – Urdu-hindi video tutorial

I have made four part videos in which I will make contact form. This form uses no image and is fully made by css, html and php. I have made this video tutorial in urdu and hindi language so that users can easily understand it. How to make contact form in php The tools I have used are:- Dreamweaver (For editing) Chrome (For testing) My website [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:40+00:00February 23, 2014|Php video tutorial in urdu|0 Comments

Php tutorial in urdu 6 – Overview of loops

In today video i will give you an overview of php loops. You will study how many loops are used in php. There are four types of loops used in php. For Loop While Loop Do while Loop Foreach Loop We use loops in php because of following reason:- By using loops we can speed up our coding and get rid of long coding. It is a [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:50+00:00October 1, 2013|Php video tutorial in urdu|0 Comments

Php tutorial in urdu 5 – Using echo and date

So today i am going to properly start practical php development. In today video i will show you how to use echo and date in php. I have used date function three times in this tutorial and use it with different text inside date(). [code lang="php"]<?php date("d-m-Y"); ?>[/code] So for displaying date we use shortcut of day, month and year. so d for day, m for month [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:51+00:00September 29, 2013|Php video tutorial in urdu|0 Comments

Php tutorial in urdu 4 – Getting started in php

Today i am going to give you an overview of php. In this video you will know how can you can start and end php syntax. Also i will discuss about using print and echo to display any link of code. Next i will show why to use loops and give you names of four types of loops. After watching this video you will get grasp on [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:53+00:00September 28, 2013|Php video tutorial in urdu|0 Comments

Php tutorial in urdu 3 – Setting up website in dreamweaver

Today i come up with a new video tutorial. In this video i explain you how you can set up php website in dreamweaver. First you have to run xampp and start apache in xampp. Watch the video below. Setting  up a website in dreamweaver is easy and if you remember the steps in the video then you can easily setup site in dreamweaver. Note the step [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:56+00:00September 22, 2013|Php video tutorial in urdu|0 Comments

Php tutorial in urdu 2 – Installation of Xampp

In the previous video i had tell you what is php and xampp. In this video i will install xampp on my computer. This video is in urdu. Xampp is a software which provide us apache, mysql and other services. But we will use apache and mysql most of time. So before testing your php website or page you have to first run xampp and start apache and [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:58+00:00September 13, 2013|Php video tutorial in urdu|0 Comments

Php tutorial in urdu 1 – Introduction to php

Today i am starting php tutorials. These tutorials will be in urdu. So this is my first video. In this video i will get you started in php. Php is a programming lanuguage used to develop dynamic websites. By dynamic sites i mean that whose content can be changed by programming when the site is running. You can use ajax with php also. Php is the most widely [...]

By |2024-03-27T13:00:59+00:00September 13, 2013|Php video tutorial in urdu|0 Comments
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